
General Information

The European Board of Cardiovascular Radiology (EBCR) Diploma is a common European qualification in cardiovascular radiology, which helps to standardise training and expertise in Cardiovascular Radiology across Europe.

The EBCR Diploma confirms specific competence of radiologists to perform, interpret and report cardiovascular CT and MR independently. The EBCR Diploma will assist cardiovascular radiologists in the promotion of their skills and experience in cardiovascular radiology when dealing with other clinical colleagues and with the public.

The European Board of Cardiovascular Radiology (EBCR) Diploma is endorsed by the European Society of Radiology (ESR). The EBCR Diploma equals a final level III subspecialty examination.

Upcoming Examination Date

Written Examination: Monday, October 13, 2025 | Online
Oral Examination: Saturday, October 25, 2025 | Glasgow/UK (ESCR 2025)

Application Deadline: Monday, September 08, 2025, 23:59 CEST

Please note that a minimum number of 5 candidates is required for the examination to take place and that for the oral examination a valid ESCR 2025 registration for the examination date is necessary.


For your application kindly send the below listed documents to the ESCR Office for approval by the ESCR Diploma Committee. Applicants for the European Board of Cardiovascular Radiology (EBCR) Diploma have to fulfill all criteria at the time of the examination. Candidates judged to have satisfied the entry criteria will be eligible to take the examination and informed accordingly by the ESCR Office.

Applicants for the European Diploma in Cardiovascular Radiology are obliged to provide the documents as follows:
(if applicable, an English translation must be also provided in addition to the original documentation)

1. Application form

The completed form must be submitted to the ESCR Office. In order to download the application form, please click HERE.

2. Training in radiology, subspecialty training and proof of practice

Full subspecialisation should only take place after the designated time for radiology residency, which should preferably last no less than five years. For candidates with less than five years of training only:
Proof of experience (ask the ESCR Office for the respective template) as a supervised staff radiologist is required.

Two years of subspecialty training in cardiovascular radiology is required, with at least one year subspeciality training after radiology certification. Application to the diploma can be sent to the office even before finishing the two years of the subspecialty training if it is guaranteed that the two years are finished at time of the examination.

Diplomas may only be awarded to fully trained, licensed, and practicing radiologists. Specialists from other fields and radiologists no longer in practice are specifically excluded from being granted the ESCR diploma. For the purposes of this requirement, a proof of practice has to be provided.

3. RIS documentation/Logbook, or MR/CT Registry Certificate

All candidates must present a RIS documentation, logbook or MR/CT Registry Certificate with a total record of their cardiovascular radiology experience. The RIS documentation, logbook or MR/CT Registry Certificate are to be countersigned by the candidate’s programme director.

The provision of documents can be done in 3 ways:
– RIS statistic printout of cardiovascular MR and CT cases
– Logbook self-declaration including nature of examination
– MR/CT Registry Certificate with a total number of MR and CT cases submitted

The minimum qualifications required for entry to the examination are the following:
The candidate should have experience in:
– At least 150 live-cases or 300 data-base-cases cardiac CT studies. At least 100 of the CT live-cases
should be contrast enhanced scans.
– At least 100 live-cases or 300 data-base-cases cardiac MR studies.
– At least 100 non-coronary vascular CT cases.
– At least 50 vascular MR cases.

Up to 50 live-cases and 150 data-base cases of other cardiovascular imaging modalities can be
submitted towards the experience required.

4. Letter of support

A letter of support from the head of department/programme director is required.

5. CME credits in cardiovascular imaging

At least 50 CME credits in cardiovascular radiology, recognized by ESCR, are required (e.g., ESCR Annual Scientific Meeting, ECR – European Congress of Radiology).

6. Curriculum Vitae

A curriculum vitae (CV) has to be provided. The document should especially include the records of training posts in cardiovascular radiology, scientific and educational activities.

7. Membership

Applicants have to be active full or corresponding radiologist members in good standing of ESCR and ESR, in the year(s) of application and examination.

8. Events

Candidates have to attend a minimum of three (3) ESCR Annual Scientific Meetings in five (5) years. The meeting during which the examination is taken may also be considered as one of the required Annual Scientific Meeting participations.

Moreover, attendance in maximum one (1) meeting can be replaced by five (5) ESCR Educational Webinars (live attendance).

Knowledge base

Please refer to the European Training Curriculum for Subspecialisation in Radiology (Level III) in order to check the knowledge requirements.

Examination Structure

Written examination

  • 30 multiple choice questions
  • Single best answer format – (i.e. only 1 out of the possible answers is correct)
  • No negative marking for incorrect answers
  • The exam lasts 45 minutes
  • Candidates will be tested in all aspects relevant to cardiovascular radiology such as anatomy, physiology, clinical practice, pathology, cardiovascular CT and MR

Click here to access the sample test.

Oral examination

  • 2 cases
  • The exam lasts around 20 minutes
  • The examiners will test the candidate’s knowledge of all aspects of the cases under discussion – indication, clinical background, diagnosis, technical parameters, limitations, etc.


The total score of minimum 60% from the written part and 2 cases solved during the oral examination are required in order to pass the examination.


The examination language is English. As many candidates are non-native English speakers, assistance with English terminology may be provided by the examiners.


The diploma is granted for a period of 5 years.

For the EBCR Diploma renewal, kindly send the below-listed documents to the ESCR Office (office@escr.org) for approval by the ESCR Education & EBCR Committee (if applicable, an English translation must be also provided in addition to the original documentation):

  1. Application form
  2. Proof of active membership in good standing of ESCR and ESR in the year of application and renewal (full or corresponding radiologist member)
  3. Proof of at least 100 CME credits in the last 5 years (at least 20 CME credits per year) in cardiovascular radiology, recognized by ESCR (e.g. ESCR Annual Scientific Meeting, ECR – European Congress of Radiology or equivalent).


  1. Attendance of ESCR Annual Scientific Meetings
  2. Attendance of ESCR Educational Webinars

A renewal fee of € 50.00 will be due.


In case a candidate did not pass the European Diploma in Cardiovascular Radiology he/she has the possibility to retake the examination. A reduced fee of 200,00€ will be granted for a re-examination.

Fee Structure

Application fee for the diploma is set as following:
Full Member: 400,00€
Corresponding Member: 600,00€

Retaking examination: 200,00€
Diploma renewal: 50,00€


Successful candidates will be awarded the EBCR Diploma and may add EBCR (European Board of Cardiovascular Radiology) to their name.